Welcome to a new year & the first issue of the Blackwood Times after we had to take a recess to find a new team. In January a public meeting was held, attended by a small but committed group of people who were keen to see new life breathed into our community paper.
Lisa Moore, who I first worked along side organising the Blackwood Hotel’s 150th celebration, has thrown her hat in the ring as communications co-ordinator. Her role is to manage incoming emails & respond by directing your query to the appropriate member of the team. So when you email team@theblackwoodtimes.com.au, more than likely Lisa will be your first point of contact.
Kathy Berrill is well known & loved in the town as our local event bus driver, her special school & cricket connections as well as one of our trusty CERT responders. She has worked on newsletters as part of her work & is being trained up to take over the desktop publishing role.
Sue & Peter Donnelly will make a great team. Peter has been our photographer for a number of years & Sue has put her hand up to take on the often onerous task of getting gigs & events together.
When not beguiling world wide audiences with her Scottish songs & words, Fiona Ross will ensure our advertisers are happy with their ads & charm new advertisers as needed.
The last, but certainly not least, newbie on the team is ‘big haired’ Kate whose task is to work through hundreds of photos each issue to find the best of the best & prepare them for Kathy to sprinkle throughout
the issue.
Terri is currently doing the Times invoicing but she has a lot on her plate as progress vice-president so we would love to find someone who would like to take on this role.
Brendan & I will assist the new team to find their feet, but only in an advisory capacity, they hope the final hand-over to the community will be completed by the end of the year.
~ Jinny Coyle (acting co-ordinator)
P2: New Chipping Machine for Locals
P3: Gig & Events Guide (thanks Sue Donnelly)
P3: Easter Carnival 2020
P4: RIP Laurie Byers
P6-9: Community Groups album & Updates
P11: Our new councillor
P12: Blackwood Under Construction
P16: From Telstra
Of course all our wonderful contributors articles are scattered through-out the issue.
Download the FebMar 2020 issue of the Blackwood Times here: FebMar 2020.
Please consider supporting our future publications by donating when you download … this helps to pay for printing & other costs associated with publishing our Community paper.
Download your FebMar 2020 colour issue of the Times … (4.6mb)