Apr 10, 2024 | issues, news, vol 16: 2023/24 |
One of the first things I noticed when I moved to Blackwood 5 years ago was how much there was to do. Friends back in Melbourne would ask if I was bored, making an assumption that a town of Blackwood’s size wouldn’t have a lot going on. How wrong they were! Easter is...
Feb 2, 2024 | issues, news, vol 16: 2023/24 |
Welcome to 2024. It’s been a nice wet start to the year and Don’s weather update has certainly been showing us all how much rain we have been having! By the way, if you don’t know, Don has been providing the rainfall for the area for quite some time on a device he...
Dec 1, 2023 | issues, vol 16: 2023/24 |
Finally, winter in Blackwood seems to be in the past as spring is in full swing and summer is just around the corner. Our garden has come out of its winter cupboard, and is in full bloom. At this time of the year, we enjoy nothing more than spending time in it. With...
Oct 9, 2023 | issues, vol 16: 2023/24 |
Welcome to another issue of the Blackwood Times. Spring is here and Blackwood is starting to dry up. We are beginning to see more activity in our little main street, not to mention the current flurry of activity at the Post Office as renovations have moved up a gear...
Aug 5, 2023 | issues, vol 16: 2023/24 |
It has been a cold winter in Blackwood and a couple of confronting months with the passing of two much-loved local gentle-men: Dave Commins a valued member of the Blackwood Times team (see tribute to him on p3) and Garry Fischer, a local legend (p8). Whilst these...