Dec 3, 2017 | news, vol 10: 2017/18 |
December ’17 January ’18 The December ’17 January ’18 issue of the Times is ready now for your reading pleasure … (6.5mb). It is chock’a’block full of photos & stories. INSIDE: ALL THE FESTIVITIES p1 & 4: Oaks Day at...
Aug 11, 2017 | CERT, news |
BE PREPARED for medical emergencies! Is your first aid kit current? complete? Do you have one in your car? or on your bike? did you know what all work vehicles are required, by law, to have an approved first aid kit on board? every business, no matter how small, must...
Aug 11, 2017 | CERT, news |
Your CERT (Blackwood & District Community Emergency Response Team) team is looking for friendly folk to join their Friends of CERT program. Friends of CERT are associate members. They want to support CERT but don’t want to commit to attend meetings have...
Dec 4, 2016 | action, news |
At the Blackwood Action Group’s (BAG) 2016 public meeting in November, the group announced that they have started a Facebook group where the Blackwood community can exchange & discuss information of public interest. This will be a great resource for the...
Dec 15, 2015 | action, news |
After testing the new Blackwood mobile blackspot tower over the weekend the tower was turned on last Monday (Dec 14, 2015) so Telstra & Telstra reseller customers can now get mobile in Blackwood. Optus & Vodaphone customers are hoping their suppiers may come...