2022 February March issue
Did I hear things were going to improve in 2022? Here we are with another COVID issue. The past 2 years have been really hard on our tiny team of 3. With no events & no real happenings we have still managed to scrape together fun issues. When we started to put...
Blackwood Township Improvement Plan
"Blackwood has been identified for inclusion in Moorabool Shire Council’s Township Improvement Plan program. This program provides an opportunity for small towns across the Shire to receive streetscape improvements and for locals to contribute their ideas and...
2021 Christmas Issue
Wishing all our readers a fant-abulous silly season Hello Blackwoodians, We are well & truly into the silly season as this issue comes out. Yes, it is very, very late but the team made an executive decision to publish late for the first time in its 14 year...
October November 2021 issue
My oh my, what a wacky year & a half we’ve had! Bushfires, COVID, lockdowns, cool climate cyclone & finally an earthquake! All-in-all it could be the making of a really bad movie! The great news is that, after a really horrid winter, spring has sprung....
Aug Sept 2021 issue is out
Here we are again Blackwood, Oh my, what a couple of months we’ve had! Early June saw our wee village in the midst of what has been called a Cool Climate Cyclone. We woke up to trees down in driveways & across roads, blocking our passage in & out of town &...
June July 2021
Here we are again Blackwood, Happy 15th Birthday to us. Who knew back in 2008, when we took the Blackwood Newsletter over from Robina Brown, that we would still be slogging it out 15 years on. We are gearing up to hand the publication over to the community by getting...