The good news is, it’s warming up! This winter has been a bit bleak, but Blackwoodians don’t totally hibernate as the centre pages illustrate.  This issue is bigger than usual thanks to an increase in contributions, a trend we will encourage so that a wide variety of voices are heard. They are complementary to the 20 items in the Community Updates section, reflecting the extraordinary diversity & energy of folk in our town. The excellent ‘Metalworker Maestro’ article is a prime example of this.

Also, there are more photos: and how better to tell the story of the last 2 months in Blackwood. With this in mind we are running a ‘photographic competition’ for those of us under the age of 18 to win one of five $20 Jindarup vouchers & possible printing in the Centre Pages of the next Issue. The competition will be judged by our most famous photographers Brendan Hehir & Peter Donnelly.

Then there are all the attractions. Take a look at the ‘Blackwood Map’.There are markers on this that may even surprise old-time residents. Everybody should buy at least 2 of these as a way of supporting this initiative – one to keep & the other (always replenished) to give to visitors. A big plus for our tourist industry.

The ‘Blackwood Special School’ is dear to all of us, especially the many thousands in the diaspora. We haven’t heard from them for a while, unsurprisingly as Tony Bellotte & team of 20 staff have been just a bit busy. The School has been steadily enhancing its reputation over the 25 years since inception in 1999 & recently hosted educators from 75 other such schools around the state.

Finally, please have a close read of the ‘Progress Association’ report. We have them to thank for the running of the world-renowned Blackwood Easter Carnival, through difficult times. Examples of their support for many other community initiatives are included in the article. Progress is well-placed to provide support funding for these and is looking for ideas.

Enjoy this Issue, and the spring- when it comes.

John ~ Editor for this Issue


Download the BWT-August-September-2024 version of the Blackwood Times (.pdf 6.4mb) of the Blackwood Times