December 2024 Jan 2025 issue is out

Welcome to the last issue for 2024 and what a bumper issue it is! One of the things that impresses me the most when we put the Blackwood Times together is the amount of activity there is in our community and this issue is jam packed with community news and events. It...

August September ’24 issue is out

The good news is, it’s warming up! This winter has been a bit bleak, but Blackwoodians don’t totally hibernate as the centre pages illustrate.  This issue is bigger than usual thanks to an increase in contributions, a trend we will encourage so that a wide variety of...

June July ’24 issue is out

We know that Blackwood is a special place. When I interview people for A Blackwood Profile, I always ask them why they moved here, and the answers are fascinating. Some just happened to stumble into our unique area by accident, others already knew someone here and...

AprMay’24 issue is out

One of the first things I noticed when I moved to Blackwood 5 years ago was how much there was to do. Friends back in Melbourne would ask if I was bored, making an assumption that a town of Blackwood’s size wouldn’t have a lot going on. How wrong they were! Easter is...

FebMar’24 issue is out

Welcome to 2024. It’s been a nice wet start to the year and Don’s weather update has certainly been showing us all how much rain we have been having! By the way, if you don’t know, Don has been providing the rainfall for the area for quite some time on a device he...

SUMMER ’23-’24 issue is out

Finally, winter in Blackwood seems to be in the past as spring is in full swing and summer is just around the corner. Our garden has come out of its winter cupboard, and is in full bloom. At this time of the year, we enjoy nothing more than spending time in it. With...

OctNov ’23 issue is out

Welcome to another issue of the Blackwood Times. Spring is here and Blackwood is starting to dry up. We are beginning to see more activity in our little main street, not to mention the current flurry of activity at the Post Office as renovations have moved up a gear...

Winter Issue: AugSept ’23

It has been a cold winter in Blackwood and a couple of confronting months with the passing of two much-loved local gentle-men: Dave Commins a valued member of the Blackwood Times team (see tribute to him on p3) and Garry Fischer, a local legend (p8). Whilst these...

June July ’23 issue

Welcome everyone to the June/July edition of the Blackwood Times. When we first arrived in Australia, we were struck by how beautiful regional Victoria was and immediately started on a journey to find our own piece of paradise. Following a decade of quietly searching,...

Apr May ’23 issue

Two months between issues goes quickly. Bit of a scramble this one but here we are looking forward to the 121st Chop & Carnival and celebrating a number of special events. The launch of the Barry’s Reef Avenue of Honour was a significant event with several...

Feb Mar ’23 issue

Blackwood is a busy place as highlighted in this issue. Over the past two months we’ve seen many gatherings, parties, farewells, community carols, babies born, a garage sale and care expressed for our wonderful forest environment amongst many other events. The...

Dec 22 Jan 23 issue

EDITOR’S THOUGHTS… Hello to all Blackwoodians and our extended neighbours! What a year it has been! A mighty cold and wet one, but also a year to begin coming back together and enjoying being out and about. As we bring in the end of the year, we wish everyone a...

2022 Oct Nov issue

Greetings Blackwoodians and friends. How good is it to feel some warmth on our backs after such a long, wet,cold winter. Deciduous trees and shrubs are daring to bud and open; birds and bees are getting noisier and we all may dare to risk putting the thermals away for...

2022 Aug Sept issue

Hi Blackwood residents (and beyond)! Well it’s certainly started to get cold hasn’t it. For those new to the town Including me I was warned and told “if you can make it through the first winter you’ll be ok”. I’ve also learnt the a fire place keeps you warm twice (...