Have your say on the DRAFT Blackwood Community Emergency Management Plan
The DRAFT Blackwood Community Emergency Management Plan (CEMP) has been developed by the Blackwood Community Emergency Management Planning Group on behalf of the local community. All feedback and opportunities for greater community participation to implement and improve this DRAFT plan will be gratefully received.
Once finalised, the priority for this plan will be to support the Blackwood community to become safer and more resilient to the impacts of natural hazards, including bushfire, flood and landslide. A range of other potential emergency situations for Blackwood residents include fallen trees, car accidents and search and rescue operations in the bush.
Through the efforts of the Blackwood Action Group, discussion to develop this CEMP started in 2014 in consultation with the Municipal Emergency Management Planning Committee and Emergency Management Victoria. As a result, the Blackwood CEMP Planning Group was formed, which also includes community members involved in the Fire Refuge community engagement steering committee and a draft plan was completed in November 2016 and launched at the recent public meeting. Further consultation and engagement with the community including a Scenario Planning Day is being planned for March 2017.
Hard copies of the DRAFT Plan will be available from the Blackwood Fire Station, which will be open between 9:00-9:30am on the FIRST Sunday of each month prior to the Fire Danger Period; and between 9:00-9:30am each Sunday during the Fire Danger Period. Please contact the Captain, Mr Ross Hall on 0413 997 225 should you wish to arrange to pick up a copy of the DRAFT Plan at other times. Your comments on the Draft Plan can be returned to the Blackwood Fire Station. Could you please put your submission in an envelope and label it “Blackwood CEMP”?
Download the Have your say on the DRAFT Blackwood Community Emergency Management Plan (.pdf 3.6mb)
Feedback and submissions on the DRAFT Plan will close at the end of April 2017, when comments following the Scenario Planning Day will also be incorporated.
~ Blackwood CEMP Planning Group