To Whom It May Concern,
Please forward a copy of this email to each of the Councillors on Council.
My name is Michael Boyd
I am a resident & business owner in Blackwood.
I also have a position on our Blackwood Crown Reserves Committee of Management.
My concern stems from a decision made at your last council meeting which saw the allocated ward funds to Woodlands transferred to West Moorabool ward for the funding of a Bowling Club.
This decision & the process taken denied natural justice for the people of Woodlands Ward. To have this item listed as urgent business on your agenda stifled any chance for our residents to provide feedback let alone be consulted as to their views on the matter. A lack of due process which reflects poorly on your governance.
Blackwood & the other small towns in our ward have allocated projects which now are at threat due to a lack of Ward Funds. There was no competitive process applied .
The issue of removing funds from one Ward to another without due process needs to be explored. There needs to be a change in the process to ensure that this tactic of Urgent Business does not override community input & consultation.
This tactic reflects badly on your good governance.
I look forward to a reply & demand an explanation as to how this occurred & how we can resolve the negative impact this reallocation has on the development if our town.
Kind regards,
Michael Boyd (Feb 27, 2016)
EDITORS NOTE: As of our publication, Michael has had no response from any councillor to his email.