cover OctNov2020 Blackwood Times


They’re on again. The council elections! Have you considered how you will vote? The Woodlands Ward councillor is your voice to the Moorabool Shire. Make your vote count.
Council elections will be held across Victoria during October and will be conducted entirely by postal voting. Ballot packs will be sent out October 6-8 & voting closes at 6pm, October 23.
Moorabool Shire says, “The role of a councillor is one of great importance. Councillors strive to determine the strategic direction for the Shire in terms of Budget and Council Plan frameworks, economic growth, quality of life for the community and broadening opportunities for all communities, urban and rural.“
A councillor’s duties include ”community involvement, advocacy, community leadership, debating and decision making at Council forums and meetings.”
(The following is a correction from the printed copy which went to print before we were aware that John was standing.) Our current councillor Lawry Borgelt is standing down so we have 3 candidates standing, Phaedra Morris, Ally Munari & John Keogh. Read Phaedra & Alli’s candidate statements on p4.
In the meantime, enjoy our 5th COVID issue which showcases our clever community once again.

~ Jinny Coyle, Communications co-ordinator

Blackwood Town Improvement Submission

Download submission 4.8mb .pdf


No matter what your skills & time limitations are please reach out – the more the merrier I say! Please email team( & Lisa will be in touch.

Fiona is taking on the Times invoicing & financial work which is incredibly valuable especially as we prepare to apply for grants.

We’d love to find some one who gets about a bit who can do the distribution – this is a fortnightly run to Trentham to top up after the issue has been distributed to all our outlets. Please email if you can take this on.

When this crisis is over Brendan & I will continue to assist the new team to find their feet, but only in an advisory capacity, they hope the final hand-over to the community will be completed by the end of the year.

~ Jinny Coyle (acting co-ordinator)

Of course all our wonderful contributors articles are scattered through-out the issue.

Download the Oct Nov 2020 issue of the Blackwood Times (.pdf 3.6mb)

Pick up a hard copy from either the Blackwood PO or Trentham Petrol & Stuff

Please consider supporting our future publications by donating when you download … this helps to pay for printing & other costs associated with publishing our Community paper.

Download the Oct Nov 2020 issue of the Blackwood Times (.pdf 3.6mb)