One of the first things I noticed when I moved to Blackwood 5 years ago was how much there was to do. Friends back in Melbourne would ask if I was bored, making an assumption that a town of Blackwood’s size wouldn’t have a lot going on. How wrong they were! Easter is obviously a special time here with a relatively small group of volunteers working tirelessly to put on a really big event. The sun was out again this year and thousands of people came from near and far to enjoy what is a very unique celebration.
During the remainder of the year we are spoilt with the number of events right here on our doorstep. From music festivals and bush dances to trivia nights or murder mystery evenings, there really is something for everyone. It might be having a social drink at the cricket while supporting our only sporting club and watching half of the town’s children running around having the time of their lives, a game of bocce, a band at the pub or heading out with the dinner club. Back in the burbs not too far from the city I am sure I had to look harder and travel further to find such a variety of entertainment. A huge thank you to everyone in town who contributes to making sure we all have something fun to look forward to!

~ Kylie Richardson

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